2ND Chance Youth is a nonprofit organization that is directly located within the Scarborough,Toronto area. We provide support for youths between the ages of 12 and 24 and offer a secure, positive family environment. We strive to offer a place where youth can regain hope and belief in themselves, earn trust and self respect, as well as learn skills that will lead to productive lifestyles in the future.
- Outreach to marginalized youth population.
- Provide information, support, advocacy, and one-on-one intervention.
- Design, facilitate and evaluate workshops on topics relevant to youth, involving appropriate internal and external resources, both on and off site.
- Perform employment support, including resume assistance.
- Provide appropriate support, advice, referrals and information to youth residing within the GTA.
Our mission is to rejuvenate the mind and spirit of vulnerable youth as well as gang members who are heading down the path of criminal life. We feel that these criminal gangs, guns and deaths should be confronted in a certain manner. We at 2nd Chance Youth intend to head that initiative. We know that there are too many vulnerable youth, and not enough mentors. One of our main priorities is to accomplish goals by mobilizing the community as well as to implement the programs that are very much needed in our neighborhoods’. We also intend to co-ordinate a response to youth phenomenon and contribute to violence prevention within the community. We at 2nd Chance Youth Organization know that our youth deserve an affirmative future, free from violence and segregation.